Dance with a Difference:
Dance Movement classes with a therapeutic touch
These classes include dance and movement exploration promoting wholistic health and wellness through creative exploration in a therapeutic environment. Through the joy of movement and dance, these classes cultivate physical fitness, balance, and coordination, help develop the foundations for learning including memory, tap into creativity, self expression, and self discovery, and promote social interaction and collaboration.
For Adults & Seniors:
Aging Joyfully
Dance & Movement for Fun, Fitness, Memory & eMotion
For Children:
Creative Dance and Movement
for Fun, Creativity & Learning Foundations
Special workshops, limited class series, or on-going weekly programs are available.
If you are interested, please contact Joy. E-mail or call Joy (see CONTACT) to let her know your interest. Classes at her studio are scheduled, according to interest, once 3 or more students have committed to a class. Classes held at other facilities are scheduled upon request.
For Adults & Seniors:
Aging Joyfully
Dance & Movement for Fun, Fitness, Memory & eMotion
For Children:
Creative Dance and Movement
for Fun, Creativity & Learning Foundations
Special workshops, limited class series, or on-going weekly programs are available.
If you are interested, please contact Joy. E-mail or call Joy (see CONTACT) to let her know your interest. Classes at her studio are scheduled, according to interest, once 3 or more students have committed to a class. Classes held at other facilities are scheduled upon request.